Reign CW Wiki
Reign CW Wiki

The bible belonged to Henry II before his death, after which Catherine kept it close to her.

Season Two[]

After Henry's death, Catherine read the bible every day for comfort. When she started developing symptoms similar to syphilis, she thought it was a final gift from her husband so she would never forget him or his whores. Later, Lord Narcisse realizes she must have been poisoned instead since there weren't enough similarities. Catherine soon realized that it must have been the bible and she tested it for poison and the test came back positive; the Queen then figured out that whoever poisoned the bible caused Henry's madness as well as her own. Narcisse later learned that King Antoine of Navarre paid someone to poison the bible for him; Narcisse proceeded framed Christian de Guise for the crime and then extort money out of the King of Navarre in exchange for the cover-up.

